DISCLAIMER: Not mine; they belong to CC, FOX, etc. Nor do I own the MPAA rating system.
Note: This is the first installment in an occasional series to be penned by myself and Emily Sim. See additional notes at the end.
Beta thanks: As ever, kudos go to the lovely X-PhileChick#35 (a.k.a.
UnderMySkinner) for keeping me from embarrassing myself. And thanks to Emily Sim for her expert advice.
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10:42 am
I'm not sure how long I sat there in the car, but I was stunned into immobility. Maybe it was some kind of shock or delayed reaction. All I know is that I couldn't bring myself to move.
In my lap lay the grainy black and white image that the doctor had handed to me before I left. Staring down at it, I could still see in my mind's eye the moving version, of which this was only a single frame frozen in time.
But I still couldn't believe what the doctor told me. I had known from the beginning that this could happen. Even before we began the in vitro, Dr. Parenti had explained to me all the risk factors. But for some reason, I never really considered that it might happen to me. Just the fact that I had gotten pregnant seemed enough of a surprise.
++Fourteen Weeks Earlier++
"Dana, have a seat."
The receptionist had informed me that Dr. Parenti was ready to see me, so I gently knocked on his door and then entered the impressive office as he invited me in. Today was the big day, the day of the procedure, but the doctor wanted to walk me through the possibilities and risks before we got started.
While I tried to get comfortable in one of the upholstered chairs facing his desk, he finished signing a form and then slid it into a folder and placed it aside. Then with hands folded, he leaned forward and offered me his full attention.
But I'm not sure how much of my attention was really focused on him. I was nervous, understandably, and eager to get on with the procedure. Dr. Parenti had always shown me the respect of a colleague, but I felt that I already knew everything I needed to know and that verbalizing these details was unnecessary. In retrospect, I'm sure it was his legal obligation to go over this with me, and perhaps I needed to listen more carefully than I realized, but at the time it was excruciatingly tedious.
"Now, before we begin the procedure, I want to review the risk factors. There are some studies that argue for an increased rate of birth defects and low birth weight among IVF babies, but the most prevalent risk is multiple births. And, of course, the chance of complications increases for women over 35. There is also a possibility of ectopic pregnancy, although I don't think you're at high risk for that.
"We've been able to successfully create four embryos from your ova and the donated sperm. To increase your chances, I think our best option is to implant them all today. However, I need to make sure you understand that this will be our only shot. If this attempt fails, we can discuss other options, but those will not include your own ova."
I nodded to the doctor in acknowledgment and perhaps impatience. "I understand. I've reviewed the risks and statistics. I'm ready to try this."
I practically jumped in my seat as the silence of the car was pierced by the shrill sound of my cell phone ringing. I took a deep breath to calm myself before answering.
"Hey, how'd the appointment go?"
"Fine." It wasn't the truth, but I wasn't ready to talk to Mulder about this yet.
"Good. I was just wondering if you'd be in before lunch. Skinner wants to see us, and I need to tell him what time we can be there."
Focusing on work was just what the doctor ordered. I could feel myself becoming grounded again as my professional demeanor snapped into place. "I'm on my way in now. I should be there in about 15 minutes."
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12:02 pm
I could just make out my muted reflection in the stainless steel doors of the elevator car as we descended to the basement. I watched as my hand traveled to my abdomen of its own accord, gently smoothing over the jacket that still managed to hide what lay beneath. Not for the first time today, I wondered if I should have recognized the warning signs myself and anticipated the doctor's news instead of being so shocked by it.
Mulder's concerned voice in my ear was punctuated by his gentle touch on my arm. "Hmmm?"
"That's the third time I said your name. You've been a million miles away ever since you got in today. I'm not even sure you heard a word Skinner said. Is everything okay?"
My hand dropped to my side and I averted my eyes from his and from my own reflection. I wasn't sure how to answer that question. Mulder apparently took my hesitation as a negative response.
"Did something happen at your appointment? Is the baby okay?"
Before I had a chance to say anything, the elevator signaled that we had reached our stop. But my partner's hand lingered on my arm and held me in place until I could give him an answer.
"I don't want to talk about this at work. Why don't you come over for dinner tonight, and then we can talk."
I could tell he wasn't completely satisfied with my reply, but he nodded curtly and then released his grasp. Ever the gentleman, he moved his hand to my back and ushered me out of the elevator doors ahead of him, while I mentally reprimanded myself for letting personal matters distract me at work. But Mulder was right--I hadn't heard a word that Skinner had said. My thoughts had been elsewhere.
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6:24 pm
It was a good thing that I had decided to prepare a simple stir fry meal because I found myself terribly absent-minded as I wandered around the kitchen, setting things down and then forgetting where I had put them. I was too preoccupied with figuring out what I was going to say to Mulder. Why was it so easy for me to communicate complex scientific theories in minute detail, but when it came to personal issues, I just couldn't find the words to express myself? I remembered facing the same problem that day when I first learned the big news.
++Nine Weeks Earlier++
My hands were virtually shaking with the effort of containing my excitement, making it difficult for me to perform the simple task of inserting the key in the door. Although Mulder had offered to come to the appointment with me, it was something I needed to do alone, and he respected that choice. However, it didn't keep him from loitering at my apartment to hear the news right away.
I could feel my anticipation building as I pushed the door open. The lights were low when I stepped inside, and initially I didn't realize he was still there. I felt the slightest twinge of disappointment until I saw the familiar head lift from the couch.
"I must have dozed off. I was waiting for you to get back."
This would be the first time I would vocalize the news. Despite my excitement, I was almost afraid to say it out loud--like it was still too good to be true, and if I spoke, it would wake me from the dream. But my eyes must have said it all before the words ever reached my lips.
"It worked, didn't it? You're pregnant."
I nodded, and I laughed. Then I cried. And Mulder laughed with me, and then he caught me up into a big bear hug and buried his face in my ear and whispered, "I'm so happy for you."
My breath caught at that statement, but then I reminded myself to let it out. I couldn't fool myself into thinking that this was "our" baby. It was mine, and he was happy for *me*. This had been our arrangement. I had asked for his help, but with no strings attached. He did his part, and the rest would be up to me.
I gently pulled away from his hug, chastising myself not to let my foolish dreams dampen the moment. But I carefully hid my face from him as I turned toward the kitchen and found something else to focus on.
"Have you eaten dinner yet? I'm starving."
"I'll bet. You're eating for two now."
I was just turning down the rice to simmer when I heard the knock on the door. Wiping my palms on my legs to dry the sweat that I didn't realize was there, I reached for the knob and turned. As I expected, Mulder was standing there on the other side.
"Can I come in?"
I stepped aside, feeling a bit embarrassed. I hadn't realized that I was just standing there staring at him. I was nervous, and I wasn't hiding it well, which only made things more awkward between us. I'm not even sure that I was this bad when I asked him to be the donor.
"Can I take your coat?" It was too formal a statement between us, but he obliged, and I was grateful because it gave me something to do. When I turned around, he was standing there with a look of expectation, and I found myself at a loss as to what I should do next. I still wasn't sure that I was ready to talk about this yet.
But Mulder was.
"Give me a hint, Scully. I'm dying here."
I could tell as soon as the words left his mouth that he regretted them. It was just like him to always assume the worst when it came to my health. I suppose I hadn't helped matters much. All he knew was that I had gotten important news from my doctor and that I was having a hard time telling him what it was. Even though that news came from an obstetrician, he was probably thinking it had something to do with my cancer.
"I'm fine, Mulder."
I was trying to be reassuring, but my words seemed to have the opposite effect.
Mulder was being considerate enough to bite his tongue, but I could tell that his frustration with me was mounting, magnified by the worries that I had yet to assuage. For some reason, I wasn't able to just tell him what I needed to. So, I figured I would show him. After all, it was always good to start with the evidence.
Crossing to my desk, I pulled out the slim envelope that held the ultrasound photo. I took a deep breath while unsheathing the image, hoping to bolster my courage. I had delayed the inevitable long enough.
When I turned, I found that Mulder had moved up behind me, so with no further ado I handed him the picture. He concentrated on the black and white image for a long moment but then looked back at me in confusion.
"Give me some help here, Scully."
I let my finger outline a gentle curve toward the left side of the picture. "This is a head."
From his expression, it was clear that the remainder of the image was still a puzzle to him, and he looked back to me waiting for further elaboration.
Why couldn't I just say the words? I guess I was still having a hard time accepting the reality of it myself. For now, I could only continue my game of charades. Taking another deep breath, I pointed at a matching curve on the other side and explained: "And so is this."
Mulder frowned at me. "The baby has two heads?"
Men can be so dense sometimes. I'm pretty sure I didn't say that out loud, but he must have caught the gist of what I was thinking from the look I gave him. And then I saw the realization wash over his face.
I could only nod mutely at him.
Mulder looked back down at the ultrasound in his hands, this time fully understanding its mysteries. "Oh, my God."
Yep. That pretty much summed it up.
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Notes: This series was inspired by neoxphile, who asked about multiple birth fics at the Haven, and xangel, who told me to write up the idea that I posted there. Stayed tuned for further installments.
Send feedback to bellefleur1013@yahoo.com.