The blessings and frustrations of a platonic relationship;
or, between the scenes glimpses from season seven.

Notes: This is an old story that's been sitting around unfinished for ages.
I don't feel terribly inspired to finish it, but I thought I'd at least dust off
what I have and post it, and see if the muse bites. For now, I'm only posting
this on my webpage. If I ever finish all the parts, I will archive them together.

* * * * *

Part 1: Ruminations on Bees, Zombies, and All That Jazz
text file (8k)

Part 2: Resistible
text file (9k)

Part 3: The Little Black Dress
3a text file (7k)

Part 4: Moments Passing

Part 5: Ruminations on Zombies, Bees, and Opportunities Lost

* * * * *

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